She is Arantza. She is 15 years old. Her birthday is on April 26th. She has 4 dogs. She lives with her mother. She learning to speak in English. Her favorite color is blue. She plays voleyball. She can't swim. She always goes to the gym.  


My name is Itzel. I am 15 years old. I have a sister. I have a dog. I always go out with my boyfriend. I play basketball. I have a boyfriend. I never study for the exams. I can cook very well. I am reading a book. 

My name is Jade. I am 15 years old. My birthday is on April 04th. I love anime and manga. I can play saxophone. My favorite anime is "The promised Neverland". I am in the school´s marching band. I always come to the rehearsals with my sister. I love jazz and rock. I have a cat. I am learning to play the piano and the guitar. 

Her name is Arlette. She is 15 years old. Her birthday is on August 31st. She is extremely beautiful. She does not like the school. She is studying for the exam. She does exercise everyday. She goes to German and English classes. She can skate but she can not swim. She plays videogames.


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